The Greatest Thing

test July 20, 2011

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Slip of the tongue…. May 3, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — thegreatestthing @ 12:17 am

Last night my boyfriend was over the house after church and just hanging out with the rest of my family. It was a really sweet, nice time. Until someone mentioned something about ducks.

Now, I could go on for ages about them. Actually, if I remember to I will. I have quite a few stories saved up about ducks. Anywhoo, we started talking about eating duck. My sisters and mom were all grossed out by it- at which point my boyfriend stated (as he has almost every time that we’ve started the duck conversation) that he got me to try duck a few months ago and that I liked it. And that’s where the awkward began. Pretty much everyone blushed because on processing that information, my older sister turned a simple, tame comment about duck into a thought about… something else. And then she had a laughing fit about it.

Thanks, sis. Because we really need to talk about eating dick at the table.


Realizations December 12, 2010

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Sorry dears, I forgot about you yet again. To recap my life since whenever the heck I last posted… I gave up on my peacock idea. While it would have been gorgeous, I never had enough time to myself to actually work on it. I’m keeping it in the back of my mind for next year though, and if I do manage to put it together and pull it off it will be fabulous.

I almost didn’t go out for halloween. But then I decided to get angry at life and throw on a Greek Goddess outfit (my backup of choice is oh-s0-fitting, and deserves a post of its own in explanation) and raise some eyebrows. Or not. It depends on if the wind was blowing at the time.

I also worked like it was my divine calling. And pulled a decent midterm grade out of my ass without even knowing I had a test in the first place. IN MATH. If there is anything I am good at, it does not include working with numbers.

I discovered that I really do not like working more than 40 hours a week. Yes, it was nice to finally be able to get everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) christmas gifts, but I worked myself silly. And then I got sick and spent a day in the hospital. That was not fun.  That was almost two weeks ago.  I’m still sore as all hell and congested. However, I’m not working as much anymore. This week was only 39 hours! 😉

Please, believe me when I say I’m thankful for my paycheck. But I wholeheartedly believe that it is NOT worth it in the long run. I didn’t go out at all- in between being sick and working, the only thing that I really had time and energy to do was sleep. I should have been a better friend in that time frame, to just about everyone that I know. I’m still trying to repair everything.

This busy streak isn’t going to slow down until mid-January… the semester ends at the end of this week. Then the holidays are going to come in and make everything a living hell crusted in christmas lights and the crumbs of too many overly sweet cocktails and cookies. In other words, don’t expect a thing from me until then. Even though I have some interesting things to share. Oops.


Halloweenie September 9, 2010

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I have a bad history with Halloween. Either I forget it completely, get stuck just handing candy out at home, or have a trainwreck of a night that ruins friendships and always, ALWAYS results in lost articles of clothing and broken jewelry.

I am going to have an awesome Halloween this year. And I am going to do it in style.

Last year, I was Miss Piggy for the night. Actually, I started wearing the costume the Wednesday before the event. Basically, I took whatever minidress I had in my closet and paired it with a blonde curly wig, pig nose, and many layers of pearls. There were two versions of the costume that were absolutely amazing- one with a purple dress (more like  a glorified shirt) and chunky black heels, and one with a little Blair Waldorf-esque dress and red peep-toed pumps. I wore it to work, I stopped traffic. It was an amazing day in the life of one normal and usually unnoticed girl. Sadly, there are no pictures of the entire costume, just of my face.

The best part of that costume was that it was original, demure without being a bore, and inexpensive. All too often, the costumes available are cheap, shiny polyester, and too… how should I put this… NSFW for the average gal. I didn’t want to look like I’m wearing a garbage bag, and I DEFINITELY did not want to look like I charge by the hour.

This year, I have another idea that will be fantastic, however it will also be just a wee bit (more like a LOT) more expensive to create. I’m going to be a peacock. Yes, I know, I’ll technically be cross-dressing. I don’t really care about that, it’s one of my favorite animals and it’s also a costume that I’ve never seen on the street before. I am making this costume on my own, basically all I need to make is a skirt that would look good with a few tailfeathers on it. I’m going for a loose interpretation of the bird, because there is NO WAY that I’ll look good carrying a huge fanning tail on my back. Also, peacock feathers are a lot more expensive than I originally thought they’d be. I’ll piece together the rest of the outfit from clothing that I already have, add on some outrageous feathered accessories, and that will be the end of that.

I’ll be posting sneak peeks of the outfit… and raining hellfire and damnation on anyone who steals my lovely idea.


My favorite blogs September 7, 2010

An update for you all: I’ve found the tub. I’ve made good use of it, and have threatened everyone in this house with bodily harm if they ever do that to me again. But aside from keeping up hygiene, working like a (lazy) dog, and staring into the fridge hoping that burritos and soup dumplings will magically appear, I haven’t been up to much lately.

So, to give you something, anything to read, I’ll share my favorite blogs with you.

First up: Confessions of a Young Married Couple (

Boyfriend, don’t panic. Just because I love this blog does not mean I’m counting the days until I’m wifed up and raising your babies. Katie is not just a mommy or wife blogger, she’s a LIFE blogger. I’ve been reading this for a few months now and I’m in love with Bean and Big Molly. Lucy is like my little Dolce.  There is not a day that goes by that I don’t check the site for updates. Even if it’s something small like pictures and captions and not much else, it’s all good. It also helps that Katie is a fantastic writer. I like reading things that are written the way that I would write them, and I like that it all reads as if she’s sitting there talking about her day. That’s my kind of writing! That’s what I’d love to do here. But until I actually have something interesting going on in my life I guess I’ll just read about hers.

Then, there’s Hungover Owls. This one is a bit of a newer fad with me, but right now it’s so freaking cute that I can’t not read it. It’s exactly what it sounds like: pictures of owls that look like they partied a little bit too hard the night before, with captions that, while NSFW, are funny and all too true. If you’ve ever drank a little bit too much you’ll appreciate the humor here.

Another new favorite, which I’m going to blame for my belly, is How To Cook Like Your Grandmother ( The majority of the recipes look absolutely DELICIOUS, and the other posts look pretty interesting too.

I’ll keep adding to this list as I keep reading. Leave a comment and let me know of your favorites!


Scrub a dub dub, I can’t seem to find the tub…. August 28, 2010

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I know, I haven’t posted anything in quite some time. I went back to school, I fell in love, I started working a LOT more. My family went through a few health issues as well- but it’s all good, we’re (mostly) healthy now and (mostly) happy as well, which is the important part.

I have a conundrum. My family has always lived in a house with just one bathroom. It doesn’t work out so terribly, if you time things the right way. However, if you don’t, you can run into issues.

I can never take a shower when I want to. It never fails, I’ll say that I have work in the morning and have to be out by a certain time, and call dibs on the shower for first thing in the morning. Morning comes round and as soon as I turn the water on, someone is banging on the door that they need to be out NOW and have to take a shower. Or I’ll walk out of my bedroom, all ready to walk into the shower, and someone will run ahead of me and hop in. FOR AN HOUR. So I end up having to go about my day with last night’s hair and stubbly legs, and hope that I can get in before I go to sleep.

This is an issue. My hair looks terrible, my legs are all prickly. It’s been three days that I haven’t been able to do more than wet my hair and tie it back. THREE DAYS. In summer. In long pants, because I’m Greek and I get a 5 o’clock shadow on my legs, three hours after shaving them. We’re going into a heat wave, and school starts again on monday. If I don’t get a tan on my legs again I’m going to hurt someone. Namely, the next person to steal my shower time.


I’ve got a feeling… March 9, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — thegreatestthing @ 11:24 am
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That there is a message that God (or the Universe, the Powers That Be, whatever you want to call him) wants me to understand. Not only do I not understand it and learn from it, but I can’t figure out what He wants me to know.

Last week I was sick as a dog, and missed two days of school because of it. Today, I drove four blocks from my house only to get a flat tire. Thank God I had my windows open and heard something that didn’t sound right, and that my dad is home today. So I turned around very carefully and drove back home, pulled the car up on the driveway and handed him my keys.

There goes my perfect track record this semester for attendance. It’s been a week since I was in class at all, the way my schedule runs. I believe that everything happens for a reason, whether we originally realize it or not. So all of this bad happening to me over the past week or so is really bothering me. Something I’m doing is not right, I have to change things around somehow so I can get out of this little predicament.

Maybe God wants me to clean my room? Sometimes I don’t know….


There’s always a bit of truth in a joke… March 6, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — thegreatestthing @ 2:39 am
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Today I got a comment that I’m “way too willing.” It was while we were all joking backstage, talking about something or another and possibly brains. But it’s all too true.

I’m one of those people that wears my heart on my sleeve. I can’t cover up how I feel, ever. Maybe it’s from being a blogger for the majority of my life? I’m a pretty open person, I don’t keep things in unless I absolutely have too. I have gotten myself into hot water too many times to count because of my big mouth and my lack of a poker face (or mental censor.)

This doesn’t have any boundaries. I try to do everything in life to the fullest possible extent. I don’t believe in skirting issues, I don’t believe in beating around the bush. I’d rather go out there and fail miserably than sit on the sidelines and watch everything.

Quite honestly, I love too deeply. I fall too hard, too quickly. If I count you as a friend, it will be to the death.

And all this being said, there is still a part of me that is absolutely petrified of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, to the wrong person. The fear strikes me and I can’t speak, I turn into a little mute brat. It’s horrible and I have to get myself out of that habit. It’s one of the many reasons why I’m more of an extrovert now.

You see, back when I was a wee little me, I was a big, big shy nerd. I was a little encyclopedia, but you would never know it because I don’t believe I ever spoke. It’s how I got into music, into writing and art and everything that I live for now. I needed some way to let myself breathe, something that made me feel better, stronger, more than myself. What better way to overcome shyness than to step into another role? And that I did.

I wonder, what kind of person would I be if I never learned to sing? If I never got lost writing my thoughts? If I had never auditioned for a play? Would I still be quiet, smart, shy? Would I have even made it out of high school?

I guarantee you that I wouldn’t be that girl with her heart wide open, just waiting for something big to happen. I would still be afraid to know if I even had a heart. And for that one reason, I thank God that I grew.


Little rant time! March 5, 2010

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It just crossed my mind, how there are people in the world who marry young, have kids young, and keep having kids. I’ve had this argument with my mother so many times over, and neither one of us is backing down. I don’t believe that there is a magic number for how many is too many. If you’re financially/mentally/physically/whatever-ally able to raise your children… go ahead and have your kids. Obviously if you’re struggling to provide for even yourself, let alone anyone else, you’re an idiot for even getting yourself into a situation where you might have a kid. Wrap it up, take a pill, just sit and watch tv for all I care. Same thing if you’re a crazy old couple- what would happen to the kids if you up and died? People generally don’t look before they leap. It’s like they don’t think at all sometimes.

Mom seems to think that there’s a cutoff point, like three kids is too many to have. We can just stop at 2.5 then.

I’m not talking about myself here. I don’t know, I don’t really care right now about what might or might not happen in the future (many many many years into the future after I’m settled down, because lord knows it’s not going to be fair to ANYONE if I hatched anything now.) I’m just a silly sorority girl talking out of my ass about something that doesn’t involve me.

This bugs me. We clash on a lot of issues, and this is one of the biggest ones.



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I’m the kind of girl that doesn’t skip classes. I had a few stupid days when I was younger but I’ve learned from them. I also never skip work- I might be a few minutes late here and there but I’ve only missed one day. It’s just not in me, the guilt over not doing my job is overwhelming.

Today, I skipped my class. I was lucky that my professor gave the class her phone number for days exactly like today. So I called in sick. I’ve had various maladies for the past week or so, but today was just too much to deal with. I’m not going to go into any sort of detail here but let’s just say it’s a bad, bad, bad, bad cold and an ear infection.

Now normally when I have a day off Mom has me running errands or driving her around- not today. Today I was so out of it when she was ready to leave that Dad drove around with her instead. So they leave, I go back to sleep (err. more like I accidentally passed out on my mother’s bed holding my cell phone) and the world is okay. Phoebe woke me up a few hours later to get my car keys so she could go to work, and the world was okay. A few more hours pass by, and I wake up right as my parents get home, and the world is okay. I discovered the cat on the couch, and curled up for a little while with her- the world was still okay.

I asked mom how today went, and things got a bit crazy. The doctor found a tumor today. We’ve been through this before, it’s been more than 10 years since the last time. And just like the last time, we already had a little inkling that something was wrong. For the past few months mom has been going back and forth between all of her doctors trying to find something, anything that could explain everything that’s been amiss. And today is the start of the rest of this journey.

I don’t know what’s going to happen from here on in. I know that it’s going to be difficult at times. I know that it’s going to be a pain in the ass to get her insurance to cover everything again. I know that it’s not going to be fun, aside from the few moments where the only thing that you can do is laugh.

I haven’t freaked out yet. I’m not going to. I can’t. Someone has to keep their cool through everything. It’s not my way to freak out over big life things anyway.  I keep going… I don’t know how to do anything but that.