The Greatest Thing

Slip of the tongue…. May 3, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — thegreatestthing @ 12:17 am

Last night my boyfriend was over the house after church and just hanging out with the rest of my family. It was a really sweet, nice time. Until someone mentioned something about ducks.

Now, I could go on for ages about them. Actually, if I remember to I will. I have quite a few stories saved up about ducks. Anywhoo, we started talking about eating duck. My sisters and mom were all grossed out by it- at which point my boyfriend stated (as he has almost every time that we’ve started the duck conversation) that he got me to try duck a few months ago and that I liked it. And that’s where the awkward began. Pretty much everyone blushed because on processing that information, my older sister turned a simple, tame comment about duck into a thought about… something else. And then she had a laughing fit about it.

Thanks, sis. Because we really need to talk about eating dick at the table.


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