The Greatest Thing

Diokete Upsala! February 23, 2010

I’m a sorority girl. I’m loyal, kind. I fundraise and I volunteer my time with worthy charities and organizations. I’m a girl that your mother would love.

And I’m upset.

During my sophomore year I had to go Alumni within my sorority, because I took a break from college. I took a semester off, transferred to a community college and ruined my life. I took another semester off, and am currently in another college that I can’t stand. It doesn’t have the degree that I want, or a chapter. I’m wasting my time here.

So I’m looking at transferring again, and this time I will do it the right way. I have about 1/2 of a degree’s worth of Anthropology classes under my belt. I also have quite a few credits of music. In a perfect world I would find a school that offered a dual degree program, where I could get a B.S. in Anthropology with a concentration in Linguistics, and a B.M. in Vocal Performance. And at this perfect school, I would also find a chapter. I know it’s not going to be easy to go back to Active status as a sister of ΦΣΣ. I know that it’s not going to be easy to balance two degrees and the demands of sisterhood. I know it’s DEFINITELY not going to be easy to balance all of this and a job.

I’m not looking for easy. I’m looking for perfect. And I will land it. After all, I’m a Phi Sig. We aim high. ;D

If anyone reading this has any information on any colleges or universities that fill all three of my needs, please leave a comment about it. If anyone from Nationals is reading this, PLEASE point me in the right direction!