The Greatest Thing

I’ve got a feeling… March 9, 2010

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That there is a message that God (or the Universe, the Powers That Be, whatever you want to call him) wants me to understand. Not only do I not understand it and learn from it, but I can’t figure out what He wants me to know.

Last week I was sick as a dog, and missed two days of school because of it. Today, I drove four blocks from my house only to get a flat tire. Thank God I had my windows open and heard something that didn’t sound right, and that my dad is home today. So I turned around very carefully and drove back home, pulled the car up on the driveway and handed him my keys.

There goes my perfect track record this semester for attendance. It’s been a week since I was in class at all, the way my schedule runs. I believe that everything happens for a reason, whether we originally realize it or not. So all of this bad happening to me over the past week or so is really bothering me. Something I’m doing is not right, I have to change things around somehow so I can get out of this little predicament.

Maybe God wants me to clean my room? Sometimes I don’t know….